Sunday, January 8, 2012

How to add search box to blogspot

The Google Navigation bar at the top of your Blogger blogs has an embedded search box. However, you may want to include a similar box in the main body of your blog (like what I have done), or the sidebar. Other than the convenience for users, the added advantage is that unlike Google search box, the search results of this search box appear in the main body of your Blog.
Under Template->Page Elements tab, click “Add a Page Element” at the place where you want your search box to appear. Select “HTML/JavaScript”.

There are several HTML codes posted on the net. I tried a few, and found the one that works as follows:-
<p align="left">
<form id="searchthis" action="YOUR BLOG URL/search" style="display:inline;" method="get">
<strong>NAME OF YOUR BLOG<br/></strong>
<input id="b-query" maxlength="255" name="q" size="20" type="text"/>
<input id="b-searchbtn" value="Search" type="submit"/>

Remember to change YOUR BLOG URL to the URL or web address of your Blog. Also, change the NAME OF YOUR BLOG to that which you want to call your site. For instance, if your Blog Name is long, you may want to write something like “Search Here” or “Search this site”.

You can also change the “Search” button to say, “Hit” or “Go”, by changing the Value.

Save the code and refresh your page. If you want a longer or shorter search box, you can play around with the size.

Just for the fun of it, if you want readers to click an image instead of a button, you will first need to do up a small picture. You can also resize a picture you already have with photo editing tools like Google's Picasa. After creating a picture, upload it onto a free server like GooglePages or Google Groups, or other free hosts that offer direct links to the image files. Take note of this IMAGE URL.

The HTML code to insert is this:-

<p align="left">
<form id="searchthis" action="YOUR BLOG URL/search" style="display:inline;" method="get">
<strong>NAME OF YOUR BLOG<br/></strong>
<input id="b-query" maxlength="255" name="q" size="20" type="text"/>
<input id="b-searchbtn" type="image" src="IMAGE URL" align="top"/>
Remember to insert into the code the IMAGE URL, where your picture is uploaded. You can align the image to the top, bottom or set a horizontal space between the bar and the image by using a hspace tag.

While it is alright to replace the button of your Blogger search box, you may not want to do that with the Google search box since their T.O.S. disallows any alteration of their code.

How to Add Google +1 Button to Blogger

Google +1 button is now available for websites and I recommend you Blogger users to add this new cool button to your blogs because it is another parameter that affects your website’s ranking on search results. So basically you should not ignore the button. It is pretty easy to add Google +1 button to blogspot blogs you don’t have to mess with lots of code snippets. Now go to Google +1 button page and generate your button.

Now, the next step is : Click “Design” tab from Blogger Dashboard and then click “Edit HTML” link. You will see your template codes, in order to see the detailed coding of the template you must click “Expand Widget Templates” link as shown in the screenshot given below.
After you expand the template, find: <data:post.body>

using CTRL+F combination and then paste the code you generated above the lines. Now in order to make it look better we will add some css styles to our button by adding div style. The code we are supposed to paste will look like this :
<div style="float:left;">
<script src="' type='text/javascript"/>
If you want to make Google +1 button appear on the right simply change “left to “right”. Finally, it must look like this :

 Save and refresh your home page. -->> Done!

How to Insert AdSense Code in Blogger Post Body

One of the known tips for improving the performance of your Google AdSense ads is knowing where to place the ads. In this guide, we shall discuss the modification you can make to your Blog template to have your Google AdSense ads appear between your post title and post body, or between your post body and post footer. Also, we shall have the AdSense ads appear on every individual post.

Choosing a best placement for your AdSense ads will attract more attention; attention leads to clicks; and clicks bring you AdSense revenue. Easier said. While people may have theories on where the ideal AdSense spot ought to be, there is really no standard answer because it depends very much on your Blog's layout, contents, theme, etc. If you have been following the changes made to our Blog, you would agree that we are no guru at this. We had merely placed the ads where they fit aesthetically and not where they will get the most attention. Nevertheless, if you would accept our two cents' worth of opinion, try to put yourself in the minds of your readers. Ask questions like why readers visit your Blog, which section of the Blog are they most interested in, and whether placing an ad at a particular area will distract, annoy or please them.
Many people believe that having AdSense ads just before or after the Blog posts will best optimize their performance. For the purposes of this article and to give you an idea how it would look, we have inserted the AdSense code into our template to have the ads appear immediately below the article and before the post footer. If you think you would like to do the same for your Blog, the following are the steps you should take.

Update: A section on Using Blogger Feature to insert the AdSense Ads after every post.

Using Blogger Feature

If you merely want an Ad to appear after every post or every few posts, use this Google feature instead. Go to Template -> Page Elements and you see in your layout the heading “Blog Posts”. Click the “Edit” link at the bottom right corner. You will see this screen.

We assume you have a Google AdSense account. If you don't, you can create one using the same login through your Google account. You will be assigned a Publisher identity number which shall appear in all your AdSense codes.

Tick the “Show Ads Between Posts.” You can select whether to show ads after every post or after several posts. In accordance with AdSense TOC, a maximum of 3 Ads will be displayed. Choose the ad format and color scheme. Save the changes and refresh your Blog to see the Ads.

While using this Blogger feature is simple and easy, you may want more control over the position of the Ads. For example, you may want it between the title and posts rather than after the posts. The following guide will show you how you can do that.

More Ad locations

Log in to your Google AdSense account.

Go to AdSense Setup -> Products and choose “AdSense for Content”.

Next, select “Ad unit” and follow their instructions on picking the size of ad, color combination, and so on, right till the end when they automatically generate a HTML code for you. Copy this code and paste it into Microsoft Notepad. (If you are a WinXP user, click the Start button at the bottom left corner of your screen. Under All Programs -> Accessories, you should see the MS Notepad icon.)

Change the AdSense code

This heading may sound misleading. We are not at all altering the code but converting some of the characters to character entities. We have to parse the AdSense code so that it can be included into your Blog template. This is not against AdSense rules because after the code is inserted into the template, when you view the source code of the template, you should see the exact same AdSense code that Google has generated for you. Indeed, if it is anything different, it means that you have not parsed it correctly and should review the code again. Parsing the code essentially involves replacing the following HTML characters:-

< with &lt;
> with &gt;
" with &quot;

Your final Google AdSense Code should look something like this:- You could use this tool :  Encode

&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;&lt;!--
google_ad_client = &quot;pub-0000000000000000&quot;;
google_ad_width = 336;
google_ad_height = 280;
google_ad_format = &quot;336x280_as&amp;amp;quot;;
google_ad_type = &quot;text&quot;;
google_ad_channel = &quot;&quot;;
google_color_border = &quot;FFFFFF&quot;;
google_color_bg = &quot;FFFFFF&quot;;
google_color_link = &quot;000000&quot;;
google_color_text = &quot;000000&quot;;
google_color_url = &quot;000000&quot;;
&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;

Insert code into template

Login to your Dashboard. Go to Template -> Edit HTML and click the box next to “Expand Widget Templates”.

 Block copy the entire HTML code for your site that you presently have and save it in a separate text file in MS Notepad. You can also click the "Download Template" link to backup the template. This is one of the two necessary steps whenever you want to change the template. The second step is to “Preview” the new changes, and save the changes only when you are satisfied. The backup you have saved in a text file will come in handy when you accidentally click to save the changes without previewing them. With a backup, you can easily restore the template to the prior state if need be.

Now search for post.body through your browser's search function (Ctrl+F for Firefox and IE). You should see these lines:-

<div class='post-body'>
<div style='clear: both;'/> <!-- clear for photos floats -->

If you want the AdSense ads to appear between the post title and post body, add the following code above the orange lines. If you want the AdSense ads to appear immediately after every individual post, add the following code below the orange lines. The code to add is:-

<div style='float:left;'>
AdSense Code

The AdSense Code is the one you have amended above in MS Notepad. Do NOT save the template, but click the Preview button to see if you like the placement of the AdSense ads.

Do you want to have the AdSense code on the left of your text as shown in this screenshot?

Choose the smallest AdSense format like 125x125. Insert the AdSense code here:-

<div class='post-header-line-1'/>
<div style='float:left;'>
AdSense Code
<div class='post-body'>
<div style='clear: both;'/> <!-- clear for photos floats -->

If you want the Ads on the right of the text, like this:-

 Insert the code as follows:-

<div class='post-header-line-1'/>
<div style='float:right;'>
AdSense Code
<div class='post-body'>
<div style='clear: both;'/> <!-- clear for photos floats -->

Set the AdSense ad margins

If your AdSense ads are too close to the edge, you may set a margin in the style tag. To give you an idea how wide the margin should be, you can see the sample in our other Business Fables blog where the left margin is set to 30px. The code used was:-

<div style='float:left; margin-left:30px'>
AdSense Code

Should you want to align the AdSense ad to your text, you can specify a margin or padding around the entire AdSense code. The code you can use is:-

<div style='float:left; margin:5px 10px 15px 20px'>
AdSense Code

The first number 5px is for the top margin, 10px is for the right margin, 15px for the bottom margin, and 20px for the left margin. You should of course change these values to suit your template.

Preview the template and if you are satisfied, save the template and refresh your Blog to see the new positions of your AdSense ads.

Have a good blog!

How to Highlight Author Comment in Blogspot

This trick is to give a Highlight Author Comment . This will make the blog's owner comments looks different from the visitors comments. It's very usefull and interesting blogger hack tips. You can see the example in my blog. Here is what to do to make a "Highlight Author Comment" effect in Blogspot.
1. Login to blogger, then choose "Layout --> Edit HTML". Don't forget to backup your template first.
2. Check the "Expand Widget Templates" box.
3. Copy this script and put it before ]]></b:skin> or copy to your CSS area.
.comment-body-author {
background: #E6E6E6; /* Background color*/
color: #000; /* Text color*/
border-top: 1px dotted #223344;border-bottom: 1px dotted #223344;border-left: 1px dotted #223344;border-right: 1px dotted #223344;
padding:0 0 0 20px; /* Posotion*/
4. Then find this code:

<dl id='comments-block'>

<b:loop values='data:post.comments' var='comment'>
<dt class='comment-author' expr:id='"comment-" +'>
<a expr:name='"comment-" +'/>
<b:if cond='data:comment.authorUrl'>
<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow'><></a>

<b:if cond=' =='>
<dd class='comment-body-author'>

<dd class='comment-body'>
<b:if cond='data:comment.isDeleted'>
<span class='deleted-comment'><data:comment.body/></span>


<dd class='comment-footer'>
<span class='comment-timestamp'>
<a expr:href='"#comment-" +' title='comment permalink'>
<b:include data='comment' name='commentDeleteIcon'/>

5. The red color text is the code that you have to add to your script. The position must be right.
6. And then save your template.

* You have to login into your blogger account before to give comments.

How to Create Tab View in Blogspot

Tab View is very usefull box. We can fill it with many contain. It will save our blogs area. (See Image Below)

Here is Tutorial how to create a tab view:

1. Login to blogger, go to "Layout --> Edit HTML"
2. Then find this code ]]></b:skin>
3. Insert the below code before ]]></b:skin> or in CSS tag.

div.TabView div.Tabs
height: 24px;
overflow: hidden;
div.TabView div.Tabs a
float: left;
display: block;
width: 90px; /* Width top main menu */
text-align: center;
height: 24px; /* Height top main menu */
padding-top: 3px;
vertical-align: middle;
border: 1px solid #000; /* Top Main menu border color */
border-bottom-width: 0;
text-decoration: none;
font-family: "Times New Roman", Serif; /* Top main menu font */
font-weight: 900;
color: #000; /* Top main menu font color */
div.TabView div.Tabs a:hover, div.TabView div.Tabs a.Active
background-color: #FF9900; /* Top main menu background color */
div.TabView div.Pages
clear: both;
border: 1px solid #6E6E6E; /* Content Border color */
overflow: hidden;
background-color: #FF9900; /* Content background color */
div.TabView div.Pages div.Page
height: 100%;
padding: 0px;
overflow: hidden;
div.TabView div.Pages div.Page div.Pad
padding: 3px 5px;

4. You can change the code according to the red text explanation. To get html color code see HERE
5. The next step is put the code below before </head>

<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

6. Then "save" it.
7. Go to "Page Elements" menu
8. Chose "Add Page Element" --> "HTML/Javascript" in place where you want to put this tab.
9. Insert this code :
<form action="tabview.html" method="get">
<div class="TabView" id="TabView">
<div class="Tabs" style="width: 350px;">
<a>Tab 1</a>
<a>Tab 2</a>
<a>Tab 3</a>

<div class="Pages" style="width: 350px; height: 250px;">

<div class="Page">
<div class="Pad">
Tab 1.1 <br />
Tab 1.2 <br />
Tab 1.3 <br />


<div class="Page">
<div class="Pad">
Tab 2.1 <br />
Tab 2.2 <br />
Tab 2.3 <br />


<div class="Page">
<div class="Pad">
Tab 3.1 <br />
Tab 3.2 <br />
Tab 3.3 <br />



<script type="text/javascript">

Note :
- The number or the blue text(350px) Is size of the tabview.
- The green code is the main menu text
- The red code is the content of tabview. you can fill it with links, banner, widget, comment or anything.
- To add more menu, see on the blink code. Add the code under it.

Good luck every body.

How to Show Recent Comments in Blogger

It's very usefull to Show Recent Comments on main blog page. We can know who have given comments on aur articles without open it one by one. At this time I will show you how to show recent comments on our main page blog. It's very easy

1. Login to blogger then go to "Layout"
2. Then copy this code :

<script style="text/javascript" src=""></script><script style="text/javascript">var a_rc=8;var m_rc=false;var n_rc=true;var o_rc=40;</script><script src=""> </script>

- The 8 number is the sum of comments that will show up.
- Change with your blog's name.

3. You can show it in page elements. Just click on "add page elements --> HTML/Javascript" Then insert the script in it.

Or you can plug it in the "Tab View"

Tutorial to Create Blogger Template

This tutorial is to create simple blogger template, with simple methods. The easiest way to create blogger template is by edit a template. But don't worry, althought this is a simple methods but it can produce a beautifull template, it depend on how you design it. This tutorial is not to create blogger template from beginning but this is to create template by editing a template. Ok lets begin.

Before we begin I suggest you to create a new blog,weI don't wont to destroy your blog.
To follow this tutorial you have to download this template first. downlad template.

We will create a template that contain four main elements, (Bakground, Header, Main and Footer)

So you have to create the four elements, You can use Image editor software like Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, Paint, etc.
Here's the detail to design it:
1. Create a design like above image.
2. On the backgroun part it should be a Pattern/Tile.
3. Cut for every part (Background, Header, Main and Footer)
it should be like this :


4. Upload your part image on the webhosting like geocities or on the image hosting like photobucket.

Alll right, now we will arrange these part to the HTML.
1. Go to blogger then go to "EDIT HTML" menu.
2. Click on the "Brows" button to upload above template or this template
3. Find this code:

body { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-align: left; font:$bodyfont; color:$textcolor; background: #323232 url('') repeat-x top left; }
4. Change the bold text with your image location
5. Then find this code, and change the blod text with your image location :

#center {background: #ffffff url('') repeat-y top center;}

6. Find the code below and change the bold text with your image location:

#header { margin: 0; height:196px; width:898; color: $pagetitlecolor; background: url('') no-repeat top center; }

7. Find the code below and change the bold text with your image location:

#footer { margin: 0; width: 898px; height:80px; padding: 0px; background: url('') repeat-y top center; }
8. Now find the code below

#outer-wrapper { width: 898px; margin: 0px auto 0; text-align: justify; }

this code width: 898px it's the widht of your blog, change it according to your image.

#main { float: left; width: 445px; margin: 5px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; line-height: 1.5em; word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */ overflow: hidden; } 

This code width: 445px; is size/widht of main, you can change it.

#sidebar { float: right; width: 153px; padding-right: 50px; font-size: 83%; color: $sidebartextcolor; line-height: 1.4em; word-wrap: break-word; overflow: hidden; }
#ads-wrapper {float: left; width: 195px; padding-left: 10px; word-wrap: break-word; overflow: hidden; }

This code width: 153px; is widht of your right sidebar. and this code width: 195px; is widht your left sidebar. And this code padding-right: 50px; is gap of text on the right sidebar with right line. And this code padding-left: 10px; is gap of text on the left sidebar with left line.

#header { margin: 0; height:196px; width:898; color: $pagetitlecolor; background: url('') no-repeat top center; }

This code height:196px; width:898; is height and widht of your header, Change it according to your Header Image.

#footer { margin: 0; width: 898px; height:80px; padding: 0px; background: url('') no-repeat top center; }

This code width: 898px; height:80px; is widht and height of your footer.

9. Try to modify and preview it until looks good.
10. If it looks good you can save it.

Done! Try see it!